Taking children off the streets
Discover Village Pilote !
Village Pilote is an Afro-European association that defends children’s rights. In the field, we take full responsibility for young people aged between 3 and 25 who are at risk in our reception centre in Senegal. Through our advocacy work, we raise awareness in civil society of child protection, human rights and a commitment to solidarity.
Our impact each year
young people monitored and cared for on the street, including 400 cared for on a daily basis
young people helped into employment
family members made aware of the issues and given support
young people trained in agro-ecology and eco-construction
Our locations
We are active on the ground in Senegal (office in Dakar and Welcome Centre near Lac Rose).
We carry out advocacy work via our offices in Europe (France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium), run by volunteers.
Our areas of expertise
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In the spotlight
Our news
Village Pilote: Giving street children in Senegal a future
For over 20 years, Village Pilote has been working in…
The Nouvelles Perspectives project: raising awareness of the risks associated with irregular migration
At the heart of West Africa, Senegal faces major socio-economic…
Village Pilote documents and resources