
Un éco-village pour protéger et sensibiliser les jeunes

Covering 11 hectares and located just a few dozen kilometres from the ultra-urbanised capital of Dakar, the Lac Rose Welcome Centre was designed and built as an eco-village, respecting the environment and aiming to be self-sufficient in food and energy.

We strive to maintain an environmentally-friendly lifestyle at the centre and to raise awareness among the young people in our care.

Support our advocacy for the environment


The eco-village and bioclimatic housing

The Centre d’Accueil du Lac Rose is built using bioclimatic architecture. This involves :

  • using local materials (laterite-based compressed earth blocks)
  • follow traditional building techniques that take into account the characteristics of the climate (maintaining coolness/heat according to the seasons, low energy consumption, resistance to erosion).

What are the school projects? As part of their training, our young people specialising in bioclimatic housing take part in real building sites. A supportive, eco-responsible approach to your building projects!


Professional training in organic farming enables children and young people in the Lac Rose pilot village to learn how to cultivate their land in a respectful and sustainable way. Organic market gardening enables:

  • educate young people about respect for the environment
  • to ensure a healthy diet for young people
  • to aim for food self-sufficiency at the Lac Rose Welcome Centre.

Sustainable resource management

At the Centre d’Accueil du Lac Rose, we are vigilant about the use of resources and follow a circular economy approach:

  • the site has dry toilets that allow us to limit our use of water and transform waste into compost
  • the centre is equipped with solar panels for electricity and internet access
  • we reuse waste water thanks to a system of planted filters
  • young people create furniture and works of art using recycled materials.

Environmental education through citizen work camps

The young people of Village Pilote regularly take part in citizen workcamps consisting of:

  • reforestation
  • beach clean-ups
  • environmental awareness sessions

These projects can be carried out in public spaces or on the premises of our partners.

Our projects

Discover our environmental projects


Access to water

A borehole project to provide direct access to water in the Lac Rose pilot village for hygiene, market gardening and cooking, and to ensure food self-sufficiency.


The development of bio-climatic housing school projects

As part of their building and civil engineering training, our young people carry out “training projects” using bio-climatic housing methods for companies and private individuals. We want to do more.


Pursuing solar electrification

To continue installing solar energy in the Lac Rose pilot village and train young people in its management in our electricity workshop.

Logo Village Pilote

Village Pilote

Centre d’accueil du Lac Rose
Deni Biram Ndao Nord
BP 3260 Dakar RP, Sénégal
+221 33 820 25 21
